Samara Friszman

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Samara Friszman

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Samara is an associate in the Banking and Financial Services Group at Goodmans.

She is developing her practice in banking and finance law, with a focus on corporate lending, acquisition financings and secured lending. Her work involves a range of domestic and cross-border transactions, acting for both debtors and creditors. 

Featured Work

Samara's representative work includes acting for:
  • The Toronto-Dominion Bank, as Administrative Agent, in connection with syndicated pre-development and construction facilities to support various projects in Ontario including the Friday Harbour residential development and resort.
  • Syndicates of lenders in connection with various types of credit facilities provided to Brookfield Corporation, Brookfield Infrastructure Partners, Brookfield Energy Partners, Brookfield Business Partners, Brookfield Property Partners, Brookfield Reinsurance Partners and other Brookfield affiliates.
  • Algoma Steel Inc. in connection with its financing facilities.


Professional Affiliations

  • Law Society of Ontario
  • Canadian Bar Association