Arash Rouhi

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Arash Rouhi

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Arash Rouhi is an associate in the Litigation and Dispute Resolution Group at Goodmans.

Arash is developing a broad practice, working in intellectual property and corporate/commercial litigation. 

Arash received his J.D. from Queen’s Law. During his articling term he worked on a variety of matters including patent litigation at the Federal Court of Canada, a construction dispute at the Superior Court of Ontario, and an insolvency matter at the Ontario Court of Appeal. He also co-authored an academic article on why a private right of action would be optimal for the enforcement of the abuse of dominance provisions of the Competition Act

Arash joined Goodmans as an articling student. During his 2L summer, he worked at the Queen’s Law Conflict Analytics Lab – a consortium for AI research on law –  helping develop a legal AI tool for a large national firm.


Professional Affiliations

Law Society of Ontario
Canadian Bar Association