Sandon Shogilev


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Sandon Shogilev

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Sandon Shogilev is a partner in the Litigation and Dispute Resolution Group at Goodmans.

Sandon has extensive experience litigating patent infringement actions, matters under the Patented Medicines (Notice of Compliance) Regulations and judicial review proceedings.  He regularly appears before the Federal Court and the Federal Court of Appeal on such matters.  In addition, Sandon has provided strategic advice to clients in various areas including the sale and protection of technology and intellectual property assets. 

Sandon has also recently lectured in patent law at the Queen's University Faculty of Law.

Outside the intellectual property context, Sandon has provided strategic advice to clients on matters related to the Competition Act and the Investment Canada Act, Canada’s foreign investment review legislation.  In addition, Sandon recently was counsel in a successful appeal to the Supreme Court of Canada that overturned a Supreme Court tax law precedent that had existed for over thirty years.

Sandon is recognized as a leading intellectual property lawyer by Best Lawyers in Canada and IAM Patent 1000.
