Randy McAuley


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Randy McAuley

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Randy McAuley is a partner in a business law group at Goodmans.

His practice focuses on various aspects of corporate and securities law. Randy has acted for public and private entities, reporting issuers, investors and underwriters in capital markets transactions, including mergers and acquisitions, corporate finance transactions and corporate reorganizations.


Featured Work

Randy’s representative work includes acting for:


Professional Involvement

Randy currently sits on the board of directors of The Musical Stage Company, the largest and leading charitable musical theatre company in Canada. Randy also sits on the board of The Canada-Africa Chamber of Business and Western Mustangs Athletic Alumni.  He enjoyed a career as a musician performing with the Juno nominated vocal quartet, The McAuley Boys. Randy was also a top-tier athlete in football and track and field, being named a seven-time all-Canadian in track and filed while at Western University and achieving MVP honours as a football player, spending a brief stint with the Toronto Argonauts of the Canadian Football League. 

Professional Affiliations

  • Law Society of Ontario