Andrew Patel

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Andrew Patel

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Andrew Patel is an associate in a business law group at Goodmans.

He is developing a comprehensive and diverse practice in corporate and commercial law across a variety of sectors. Andrew assists on a range of matters, including public and private mergers and acquisitions, corporate formations and reorganizations, securities offerings and compliance, shareholder activism, corporate governance, and regulatory requirements.

Andrew first joined Goodmans as a summer student in 2019, completed his articles at the firm, and became an associate in 2021. Andrew received his LL.B. from the University of Leeds, where he graduated with a first class and was in the top 10% of his class. Andrew also holds an M.A. (Political Economy and Global Thought) from Columbia University and LL.M. (Business Law) from the University of Toronto.


Professional Affiliations

  • Law Society of Ontario