Harry Radomski at the World Law Group 2020 Spring eConference: International Regulatory Initiatives to Improve the Delivery of Healthcare in the Fight Against COVID-19


Join Goodmans for the session "International Regulatory Initiatives to Improve the Delivery of Healthcare in the Fight Against COVID-19" at the World Law Group 2020 Spring eConference.   

This webinar will feature a discussion of the policies adopted by governments in North America, Europe, Australia and Asia to streamline regulatory processes to fight COVID-19, including those related to:

  • Expediting the approval of new drugs, vaccines and medical devices, including by relying upon approvals granted in other jurisdictions with comparable regulatory regimes.
  • Providing for compulsory licensing of inventions with application for COVID-19
  • Relaxing regulatory and reporting requirements for COVID-19 related drugs, foods and medical devices.
  • Facilitating cross-border cooperation between regulatory agencies.
  • Providing mechanisms to identify and remedy shortages in drugs (including disinfectants), foods, personal protective and testing equipment and other necessary items.
  • Altering the parameters of competition law to permit cooperative work toward COVID-19 related goals among entities who are normally competitors of each other.
  • Increasing the scrutiny on advertisers of consumer products that make claims related to efficacy for COVID-19.

Harry Radomski, Goodmans LLP

Jonathan Kelp, MinterEllison
Helena Nilsson, Setterwalls

To register for the webinar click here.