Litigation and Dispute Resolution

Disputes require balancing between knowing when to deploy hard-hitting formal advocacy, when to negotiate a mutually acceptable result instead of fighting, and when to use creative dispute resolution tools, including in litigation, arbitration and mediation, to drive strategic business results. The Goodmans Litigation and Dispute Resolution Group is skilled at achieving this balance and deploying all three approaches to achieve its clients’ objectives.

We understand that disputes are disruptive to your business and to you, with the cost of a business dispute reaching beyond your bottom line, and we seek to minimize that disruption. We also understand that all disputes are not the same, with some requiring all-out tenacity and others involving a delicate hand to solve a controversy without destroying an important relationship. As in business, dispute resolution involves deploying the right tool for the job and our lawyers are expert with respect to many litigation and dispute resolution tools and knowing in which situations to use each one. We bring to every controversy our advocacy skill, creativity and judgment. 

Whatever your dispute, we can handle it. Our lawyers have vast experience as advocates in the business context, are acknowledged as leaders in many ratings publications, and have specific expertise in a multitude of legal fields and industries, some of which are listed below.

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