Goodmans is proud to partner with BlackNorth Initiative in support of the BlackNorth B.E.G.I.N. (Black Entrepreneurship Growth and Innovation Network) platform.
Goodmans diversity and inclusion efforts are spearheaded by our Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging Committee, Women’s Success Committee, Firm Leadership and affinity groups. We are committed to building a diverse and inclusive community – both inside, and outside our firm – and encourage you to explore some of the programs we support, groups we are part of, and initiatives we are leading.
Goodmans is proud to partner with BlackNorth Initiative in support of the BlackNorth B.E.G.I.N. (Black Entrepreneurship Growth and Innovation Network) platform.
In 2021, Goodmans announced our role in establishing a newly formed partnership of leading Canadian law firms that has committed $1.75 million in operational funding to support the program over the next 10 years and the establishment of chapters at universities across Canada. In addition, we continue to liaise with BFL to provide opportunities for undergraduate black students to experience the law firm environment and gain an appreciation of the rewards offered by the practice of law. To read more about the initiative, click here.
Goodmans is a founding member of the Law Firm Diversity and Inclusion Network (LFDIN), a Canadian law firm initiative dedicated to the promotion of diversity and inclusiveness within the legal profession, and an original signatory to its Statement of Principles.
LAWS is Canada’s leading law school youth outreach program, recognized in its field across North America. As a model of collaboration that has a transformative impact on high school students facing personal or systemic barriers to success, LAWS’ activities increase legal knowledge and self-advocacy, promote access to the legal system and develop leadership, civic engagement and a sense of belonging. Goodmans is an avid supporter of LAWS and its activities.
In 2021, Goodmans signed the BlackNorth Initiative - Law Firm Pledge, an important step in furthering our commitment to addressing and ending anti-Black and other forms of structural racism in the legal profession. Through the initiative, we have committed to working with the BlackNorth Initiative, the Canadian Association of Black Lawyers and other stakeholders across the legal profession to break down barriers to the recruitment, retention, and advancement of Black people in our firms. Stronger together, we will drive progress and deliver lasting change. To read the BlackNorth Initiative Law Firm Pledge our firm signed, click here.
Avenue is an internship program to help Black undergraduate students in Canada gain experience in the legal industry. As part of the new program, one student will be offered a professional work placement at Goodmans, where they will benefit from mentorship and leadership development opportunities. If recipients enroll in an LSAT preparation program or apply to law school within three years from the end of their summer internship, they will also receive a grant of up to $3,000 to cover the cost of an LSAT preparation course or law school application fees.