Carlie Fox


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Carlie Fox

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Carlie Fox is a partner in the Litigation and Dispute Resolution Group at Goodmans.

She maintains a broad corporate commercial dispute resolution practice that encompasses insolvency litigation, complex contract and shareholder disputes (including oppression claims), professional negligence liability and defamation claims. Carlie regularly appears before the Commercial List in the Ontario Superior Court of Justice, which specializes in complex commercial matters, and has appeared at the Supreme Court of Canada.

Featured Work

Carlie’s representative work includes acting for:
  • the court-appointed Monitor of Nortel Networks Corporation in a disputed claim that resulted in Ontario’s first enunciation of a positive duty of forthrightness on creditors in proceedings under the Companies’ Creditors Arrangement Act 
  • a Canadian manufacturer in seeking contribution and indemnity from third parties following the settlement of a multinational class action
  • a national law firm in defending a professional negligence and loss of chance claim
  • a multinational software company in defending a breach of contract claim
  • a Canadian cannabis company in defending an oppression action
  • a blockchain investment fund in asserting a breach of contract claim


Professional Affiliations

  • Law Society of Ontario
  • The Advocates’ Society
  • Toronto Lawyers Association